Remembering that everything was fine in 2019, my brother would stiffen like a steel pipe in the morning and last for a long time. In the winter of 2020, his high blood pressure suddenly worsened without treatment until he started taking medication in 2022. Before taking medication, complications such as pain throughout the body had already developed. He would experience sinus tachycardia several times at night and even wake up due to severe cases. It was clearly stage 2 heart failure. After years of medication, fatigue, arrhythmias, and heart failure have largely improved. However, the dysfunction in the penis function, the reduction in the number of times he can get hard, and the pain after intercourse has become more serious. Now, I have to take half a pill of Viagra before going to bed every day but this drug also becomes increasingly resistant. As someone who is approaching his forties, what should I do? |