The project homepage is as follows, named Daily.
You can see the effects of my personalized signature in the friend circle by copying this picture to a new webpage.
Currently supported features include:
Multi-account login and quick switch to post status
Post type supports text, multiple pictures, videos, music, external video/audio, built-in cards
Support for editing published content
Support for publishing only for yourself
Support for logged-in users and visitors to like and comment
Visitors' comments require approval from an administrator before displaying
Storage supports local storage, remote server storage, S3 storage, and 123 Cloud Disk
Docker deployment is used to deploy, which is very simple. However, it requires a MySQL database.
Step 1 First deploy MySQL, if available, you can ignore this step.
docker run -d --name daily_db --restart always -v /data/daily/db:/var/lib/mysql --env MYSQL_RANDOM_ROOT_PASSWORD=yes --env MYSQL_DATABASE=daily --env MYSQL_USER=daily --env MYSQL_PASSWORD=daily123 mysql
Step 2 Deploy Daily
docker run -d --name daily --restart always -v /data/daily/upload:/app/data -p 80:8081 --link daily_db mrlee326/daily:latest
In step 3, open the webpage , enter the initialization configuration for the friend circle. After configuration, you can use it.
For more detailed deployment steps, refer to https://github.com/lixiaofei123/daily/
Please note that storing images locally or using S3/S3 Cloud Disk will not need this step.