Surprised to find that many mjj didn't know how to repair their own cars, and were afraid of being scammed when they added tg or V code. They didn't know where to go for a brothel, nor did they know what services it offered. Therefore, I have opened this post to explain this issue in depth, covering any major cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Shenzhen. Simply put, go directly to the train station or bus station at the exit. The嘿车司机都会知道。不要使用手机叫专车,因为很多人都是兼职,什么都不懂。即使有懂的人,专车也有监控,所以不敢告诉您。正规出租车常年在外奔波,懂得人多,但是也有监控,所以不敢告诉您。那些在车站拉客的嘿车司机不同,他们会给你一些小费,并告诉你要什么价位的服务,就能带你到达正确的地点。十几块钱的中年妇女,几百块钱的真兼职学妹,几千块的大洋马,哪里可以过夜并且不要身份正,没有他们不知道的,哪怕你不喜欢找基友,他们也知道。别不好意思,直接给小费或者直接询问就行。 |